Request Policies & Process
Robbie's Riders Adaptive Cycle Program Assistance
Step 1) Request: For our adaptive bike program ROBBIE'S RIDERS, please submit your request electronically via the color block application found below. . Please include as much information about the child and specific information regarding the request. For all other inquiries please use the general inquiry box.
For additional accessibility options, please contact: info@savethekid.org.
Step 2) Process: Once your application has been completed by Parent/Guardian and the child's therapist. You will then receive correspondence which includes a welcome package and more detailed information via email.
Step 3) Using the information provided, a team consultation meeting will occurs
regarding the adaptive and therapeutic needs of the child and type of bicycle that would best support the child.
Step 4) The request will then be presented to the board. *
If all eligibility requirements are met , the Board of Directors will vote to approve the request.
(Subject to funding and availability)
Step 5) If the request has been approved. Save the Kid will notify the applicant. The order of the the customized cycle will be placed, upon arrival Save the Kid will assemble and contact the parent/guardian to schedule delivery.